How to Clean Your Pipe or Bong in 3 Easy Steps
"No one likes pulling on a dirty pipe."
Aside from the bacteria and unsightliness of a dirty bong, to get a fresh taste and a really enjoyable smoking experience you have to keep it clean. Whether you clean your bong daily or once a month (eww, gross), you'll want to have it done right to get the most out of your piece.
It's surprisingly easy to get your piece cleaned up and looking great. With just a few household items you can have your pipe like new in minutes.
Ingredients needed:
- Salt
- Isopropyl Alcohol
I know what you're thinking..."That's it? Just rubbing alcohol and salt? Formula 420??"
Yes, that's all you really need.
Cleaning your piece:
- First you'll need to dump a generous portion of salt into your pipe or bong. Don't be shy. Go ahead a pour a bunch of salt in there. With a smaller hand pipe, you may only need a couple teaspoons. In a 15 inch water pipe, go ahead and dump 1/4 cup of salt in there. Too much salt won't hurt, but any more than that is just unnecessary. Next, carefully pour in some of the isopropyl alcohol. Once again, you can be generous with how much you pour in, just make sure you leave enough room to shake it all up.
- SHAKE! SHAKE! SHAKE!.....and shake some more! Give it a good mix by plugging up all the holes and vigorously shake your pipe or bong. In just few moments you will start to see your piece clear up. Keep shaking until all the resin and buildup separates from your piece, and dump it all out. Repeat as necessary.
- Finally, you'll want to thoroughly rinse out all the remaining residue with warm water. Rinse and dump it out a few times. Once you no longer smell any alcohol, you should be good!
Once it's all cleaned up you can sit back and take a look at your newly revitalized piece! Try not to tear up like a proud parent at their kids graduation.....
Enjoy your clean smoke! The more frequently you clean your piece the easier it will be. Also, we recommend keeping your pipes clean for the best smoke experience every time.
But wait! There's more!.....
Those who want the absolute most out of their smoke use specialized cleaner made just for pipes and bongs. The most popular and trusted name in pipe cleaning has to be Formula 420. They have been around for years, and they feature an entire line of useful products. Formula 420's Original Cleaner works just as well as salt and rubbing alcohol, if not better. As a bonus, Formula 420 leaves a delightful orange scent afterwards. They even have a special Formula 710 for dab rigs which works REALLY well.
*Bonus Tip - Put a very small amount of Iso on the end of a Q-tip and use it to clean the chambers and coils of your concentrate pens.
You can find Formula 420's Original Formula sold HERE.