Trouble The Maker - Green Cyclops
Trouble the Maker
6.25" Fritted Green Cyclops. This Rig has Teeth! Everyone knows the Broward County Glee and this Cyclops just wants to be part of the squad. Sculpted and textured to have a bumpy creepy skin...
Trouble x Nitro x Unaballer - Green Alien Dude
Trouble the Maker
This Piece is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!! So much work done to this piece. You have crazy Wig Wag and Re-Wig in the shoes and more Wig Wag in the Built in 10mm 45 degree downstem. The Shoes are Accented...
Trouble The Maker - CFL Purple Cyclops
Trouble the Maker
5" CFL Cyclops. It's eye is a Handspun mix of colors to create a one of a kind looking eye. The CFL changes from a soft purple to a greyish color in the right lighting. Has a removable 2-hole...
Trouble The Maker x Bubbbzzz x 904 Pizzaboy x Nitro - Pizza People
Trouble the Maker
Fumed and Sculpted 'Pizza People' Rig has a removable custom fitted 10mm 45 Degree 2-hole Difused downstem. He's letting everyone know he comes in peace by offering a Hand Scuplted Slice of Pizza...
Trouble The Maker - Fumed Mini Eyeball Rig
Trouble the Maker
5.5" Fumed Mini Finger Tube. Rig has some sculpted characteristics along with encalmo work and Lots of heavy Fuming.